Thursday, November 1, 2012


Welcome to my first blog post!

I know, it's a shocker.  Of all of the social media blogs that I've had, in addition to my own domains (may they R.I.P.), why bother with another?

Well, as you can see, this is my tech blog.  Basically, anything that I do that relates to technology that I wish to share with the world will simply go here.  Howtos, ideas, methods, stuff that I'm working on... it'll all go here.  Computers, electronics, radios, all that fun sort of stuff.  Here.

As this is the first time I've used a blog site that creates everything for me and I just have to add data to it by typing it or adding links and other things, I'm going to go ahead and say that, so far, I like Blogger.  The fact that Google acquired Blogger awhile ago wasn't too surprising, but since they've gone and integrated it into everything else (Gmail, G+, Youtube, Maps, Drive, Calendar, etc etc etc...), I felt that the time came that I wanted to write more than a quick update to G+ or, God forbid, Facebook.  While FB makes me feel things that I wish I couldn't feel, it has a certain usefulness to itself.  Myspace was an interesting theory, as was Yahoo! 360, but it was certainly time to move up and move on.

So here, and now, this blog shall encompass all about me that is geeky, nerdy or otherwise just downright technical.

I won't promise how often I'll update and I won't promise what sort of trends I'll go along.  However, I CAN tell you what my current interests revolve around inside of my head:

  • Computers.  Mostly hardware.  I was into computers for over a decade, taking them apart, cleaning them, putting them back together, adding new parts, making them run faster... that sort of thing.  I did the software thing too, but not to the level of engineering degree that I was able to do with hardware.  Eventually, I went on to get an Associates Degree in Information Technology.  So yeah, I self-educated and then went after the real deal.  I suppose you could say I'm an oddball that way.  Yes, yes I am, and damn proud of it.  I worked more than a handful of paid jobs using such insight and had fun at each and every one of them.  I met a lot of interesting people along the way and learned a lot of things about life while I was at it.  It was worth it.
  • Radio.  So, eventually, I got my Ham Radio license.  My callsign is KD0FHS.  I found the unique randomness of having such a callsign assigned to me by a computer very difficult to fathom.  Honestly, it was totally random, but to have the suffix, FHS, match up as the same initials of the high school that I attended, Fairport High School, I began to wonder if anyone back there would wonder if I went out of my to get it as a vanity call.  Well, no one's ever really said anything about it, although I have seen a few eyebrows arched.  Well, enough about that, my interest in radio frequencies and other such topics is quite varied.  I enjoy local communication as well as long-range HF stuff.  The ability to talk to and listen to satellites, along with the International Space Station is among some of the fun things that I've always aspired to do.  Being a Ham allows me to explore these things.  Of course, the people that I've met that have taken the time to help me along the way are some of the nicest people I've ever met.  The Amateur Radio community is quite eclectic, but without each other, there wouldn't be a community!
  • Electronics.  My interest in general electronics dates back to the late 90's when I got into CB radio.  There really wasn't much to it, but it was fun to tinker around with flashlights and other basic devices.  I even took a class in basic electronics.  Sadly, my interests gravitated toward computers and their operation and less on the electronic side of things.  It would be nearly a decade until I realized the importance of electronics.  That is why I am pursuing my Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering.
  • High Altitude Balloons.  Even before I arrived at Uni, I knew that I would never realize my childhood dream of becoming an astronaut.  However, it was many years until I realized that I could help others achieve that dream.  Even if I could not, what right would I have to prevent others from doing so?  There is so much in our own Solar System to explore, and it's just something that I know will happen.  It's already happening with unmanned missions, but in order to test theories and find new facts, it's helpful to go up, WAY up!

So, that's pretty much it in a nutshell.  Right now, I'm finishing up my mathematics and about to delve into the wonderful world of physics.  I have discovered that LaPlace Transforms are easier than I thought they could be.  So, sometimes I might even blog about math.


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